Friday 26 April 2013

The robot has landed.

They've bought a robot! I was very excited that he could be a new friend for me, but it turns out he lives underwater and eats leaves. I am not allowed in the water - something to do with rust so they tell me. The robot has been named Robbie (what it is with this naming of inanimate objects??!). Here's me with Robbie before he took the plunge:

The garden is looking lovely now despite the constant battle with the grass which you can almost see growing by the minute. I don't know who this chap is though - he just stands out there staring (at least he doesn't have a name .....yet.....).

The beans and spinach are starting to grow. Fingers crossed that the bloomin' dog doesn't eat them. He certainly eats everything else - shoes, Barbie dolls, gloves, door stops. The gnomes have had to be brought indoors for their own safety!

We also have one of these - no idea what it is, but I was very sick after having a go on it:

I think it might be some sort of toy for Ozzy, but he is a very lazy cat and spends most of his time asleep with his pet doggy:

He might as well relax while he can - he will be going to the vet soon to have some parts chopped off. I think they might be called tentacles - I don't know what they are but I hope I don't have any - sounds painful!!!

Indoors feels much more homely now. The bookshelves finally arrived, and all 42(!) boxes of books have now been unpacked. I think this may now be my new perch where I can compose my next instalment in peace.

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